java - Joining tables without relation using JPA criteria -

i have 2 tables no modeled relation:

table comm columns:

name date code 

table persondesc columns:

code description 

relationship between 2 tables many 1 (many comm 1 persondesc):

com.code = persondesc.code

these 2 tables mapped annotations have no relation declared.

what i'm trying select comm table ordered persondesc.description.

how can jpa , hibernate?

so if classes have no "relation" query like

select a, b b a.somefield = b.otherfield order b.anotherfield 

which can achieved using jpa criteria, something like

criteriabuilder cb = emf.getcriteriabuilder(); criteriaquery<a> crit = cb.createquery(a.class); root<a> aroot = crit.from(a.class); root<b> broot = crit.from(b.class); aroot.alias("a"); broot.alias("b");; predicate fieldequals = cb.equal(aroot.get(a_.somefield), broot.get(b_.otherfield); crit.where(fieldequals); crit.orderby(cb.asc(broot.get(b_.anotherfield))); 

... or redesign classes , developers favour.


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