search - Selenium IDE: VerifyTextPresent alway returns true -

i want search several hyperlinks in page (dynamically generated in table) whether contain value "hello".

i use:

<td>verifytextpresent</td> <td>hello</td> <td></td> 

and returns false

i use:

<td>verifytextpresent</td> <td></td> <td>hello</td> 

and returns true

what correct way search string anywhere in page?

verifytextpresent(pattern) command deprecated. use verifytext command element locator instead.

you should consider using verifytext locator, can body:

<tr>     <td>verifytext</td>     <td>//body</td>     <td>search term</td> </tr> 

but since want limited links suggest using this:

<tr>     <td>verifyelementpresent</td>     <td>//a[text()=&quot;search term&quot;]</td>     <td></td> </tr> 

which links contain search text (exactly, can use contains() function partially match)


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