java - JWPL exception in accessing Wikipedia -

i testing jwpl api hello world example listed in tutorials:

but receiving following mysql connection exception:

02:11:31,057 info abstractpoolbackeddatasource:462 - initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.poolbackeddatasource@f56923d7 [ connectionpooldatasource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.wrapperconnectionpooldatasource@76380f40 [ acquireincrement -> 3, acquireretryattempts -> 30, acquireretrydelay -> 1000, autocommitonclose -> false, automatictesttable -> null, breakafteracquirefailure -> false, checkouttimeout -> 0, connectioncustomizerclassname -> null,

i have mysql 5.6.24 installed, , it's running correctly. before run tutorials, have create tables in mysql run these examples?

edit clarity: the last packet sent server 0 milliseconds ago. driver has not received packets server. @ sun.reflect.generatedconstructoraccessor6.newinstance(unknown source) @ sun.reflect.delegatingconstructoraccessorimpl.newinstance( @ java.lang.reflect.constructor.newinstance( @ com.mysql.jdbc.util.handlenewinstance( @ com.mysql.jdbc.sqlerror.createcommunicationsexception( @ com.mysql.jdbc.mysqlio.<init>( @ com.mysql.jdbc.connectionimpl.coreconnect( @ com.mysql.jdbc.connectionimpl.connectonetryonly( @ com.mysql.jdbc.connectionimpl.createnewio( @ com.mysql.jdbc.connectionimpl.<init>( @ com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc4connection.<init>( @ sun.reflect.generatedconstructoraccessor9.newinstance(unknown source) @ sun.reflect.delegatingconstructoraccessorimpl.newinstance(

your question unclear steps followed. step mention making mysql run. data querying, then??

the jwpl documentation total mess, seems page instructions: have import wikipedia data (or other mediawiki wiki dump, hope) , yes, includes creating tables.


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