c# - Flow context/state through generated continuations -

first, context (pardon pun). consider following 2 async methods:

public async task async1() {     prework();     await async2();     postwork(); }  public async task async2() {     await async3(); } 

thanks async , await keywords, creates illusion of nice simple call stack:

  • async1
    • prework
    • async2
      • async3
    • postwork

but, if understand correctly, in generated code call postwork tacked on continuation async2 task, @ runtime flow of execution more this:

  • async1
    • prework
    • async2
      • async3
        • postwork

(and it's more complicated that, because in reality use of async , await causes compiler generate state machines each async method, might able ignore detail question)

now, my question: there way flow sort of context through these auto-generated continuations, such time hit postwork, have accumulated state async1 , async2?

i can similar want tools asynclocal , callcontext.logicalsetdata, aren't quite need because contexts "rolled back" work way async chain. example, calling async1 in following code print "1,3", not "1,2,3":

private static readonly asynclocal<immutablequeue<string>> _asynclocal = new asynclocal<immutablequeue<string>>();  public async task async1() {     _asynclocal.value = immutablequeue<string>.empty.enqueue("1");     await async2();     _asynclocal.value = _asynclocal.value.enqueue("3");     console.writeline(string.join(",", _asynclocal.value)); }  public async task async2() {         _asynclocal.value = _asynclocal.value.enqueue("2");     await async3(); } 

i understand why prints "1,3" (the execution context flows down async2 not async1) isn't i'm looking for. want accumulate state through actual execution chain, such i'm able print "1,2,3" @ end because actual way in methods executed leading call console.writeline.

note don't want blindly accumulate state across async work, want accumulate state causally related. in scenario want print "1,2,3" because "2" came dependent (awaited) task. if instead call async2 fire-and-forget task wouldn't expect see "2" because execution not in actual chain leading console.writeline.

edit: not want solve problem passing around parameters , return values because need generic solution work across large code base without having modify every method pass around metadata.


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