coding style - Can this Python code be further shrunk? -
below python code fetches of sub-domains within domain. takes file input contains page source website. second argument domain name. example: ""
import re def getsubdomains(fil,domain): open(fil) f: subdomainlst = [] line in f: m = re.findall(r'\bhref="\https://[\w+\.*]+%s/'%domain,line) if(m): ele in m: subdomainlst.append(ele.split('/')[2]) else: continue subdomainlst = list(set(subdomainlst)) ele in subdomainlst: print ele def main(): fil1,domain1 = raw_input("enter file name\n"),raw_input("enter domain\n") getsubdomains(fil1,domain1) main() if __name__ == '__main__' else pass
i've tried shrinking inner 'if else statement' to
for ele in m: subdomainlst.append(ele.split('/')[2]) if(m) else continue
but gives error.
can above code shrunk further (16 lines now) takes minimum number of lines , become more pythonic?
you don't need add continue. can try doing this, though not recommend makes code unreadable.
subdomainlst = [ele.split('/')[2] line in f ele in re.findall(r'\bhref="\https://[\w+\.*]+%s/' % domain, line)]
btw should indent code 4 spaces , try avoid one-line uncomprehensible statements: pythonic means readable
complete code:
if __name__ == '__main__': import re fil, domain = raw_input("enter file name\n"), raw_input("enter domain\n") open(fil) f: print '\n'.join([ele.split('/')[2] line in f ele in re.findall(r'\bhref="\https://[\w+\.*]+%s/' % domain, line)])
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