javascript - Why does $.each show only one of my Mustache templates? -

i'm using $.get inside $.each call external mustache template use on each photo object in array.

here code:

$.when.apply($, requests).then(function(dataone, datatwo) {     $.each(dataone, function(idx, obj) {         $.get("mytemplate.mst", function(template) {             var rendered = mustache.render(template, obj);              $photoelem.html(rendered);         });     }); }); 

my problem once refresh screen, 1 of array objects shows up. i'm aware of {{#item}} iterate through array i'm using $.each specific reason.

can tell me i'm doing wrong?

try one

 $.when.apply($, requests).then(function(dataone, datatwo) {       $.get("mytemplate.mst", function(template) {           $.each(dataone, function(idx, obj) {              var rendered = mustache.render(template, obj);              $photoelem.append(rendered);          });      });   }); 

suppose problem causes replace content of $photoelem ( using .html() ) instead of appending each new item

i replace .html() .append(

and change code read template once ( @andy )


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