php - Restrict route access to non-admin users -


i'm trying create admin route restriction log-in users. i've tried check see if user log-in, , if user type admin, , if are, want allow them access admin route, otherwise, respond 404.


<!-- route group --> $router->group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function() {       <!-- no restriction -->     route::get('dashboard','welcomecontroller@index');      <!-- admin -->     if(auth::check()){         if ( auth::user()->type == "admin" ){              //report             route::get('report','reportcontroller@index');             route::get('report/create', array('as'=>'report.create', 'uses'=>'reportcontroller@create'));             route::post('report/store','reportcontroller@store');             route::get('report/{id}', array('before' =>'profile', 'uses'=>'reportcontroller@show'));             route::get('report/{id}/edit', 'reportcontroller@edit');             route::put('report/{id}/update', array('as'=>'report.update', 'uses'=>'reportcontroller@update'));             route::delete('report/{id}/destroy',array('as'=>'report.destroy', 'uses'=>'reportcontroller@destroy'));          }     }  }); 


it's not working intended. throws 404 error - admin users.

you can use middleware simple case.

  1. create middleware:
php artisan make:middleware adminmiddleware 
namespace app\http\middleware;  use app\article; use closure; use illuminate\contracts\auth\guard;  class adminmiddleware {     /**      * guard implementation.      *      * @var guard      */     protected $auth;      /**      * create new filter instance.      *      * @param  guard  $auth      * @return void      */     public function __construct(guard $auth)     {         $this->auth = $auth;     }      /**      * handle incoming request.      *      * @param  \illuminate\http\request  $request      * @param  \closure  $next      * @return mixed      */     public function handle($request, closure $next)     {         if ($this->auth->getuser()->type !== "admin") {             abort(403, 'unauthorized action.');         }          return $next($request);     } } 
  1. add app\http\kernel.php:
protected $routemiddleware = [     'admin' => 'app\http\middleware\adminmiddleware', ]; 
  1. use middleware in routes:
route::group(['middleware' => ['auth', 'admin']], function() {     // routes }); 


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