How to open and read "/proc/cpuinfo" on Android device in Delphi -

could advise me how open , read "/proc/cpuinfo" on android device in delphi?

original code:

var   i: integer;   fs: tfilestream;   lbuffer: tbytes; begin   if fileexists('/proc/cpuinfo')     begin       fs:= tfilestream.create('/proc/cpuinfo', fmopenread);       try         setlength(lbuffer, fs.size);         fs.readbuffer(pointer(lbuffer)^, length(lbuffer));         i:= 0 length(lbuffer) - 1           memo1.lines.add(lbuffer[i]);     ;       end;      end; end; 

the problem size of fs -1 , therefore not read ...

the answer simple (tested):

var   fs: tfilestream;   ch: char;   rawline: system.unicodestring; begin   if fileexists('/proc/cpuinfo')     begin       try         rawline:= '';         ch := #0;         fs:= tfilestream.create('/proc/cpuinfo', fmopenread);         while ( ch, 1) = 1) , (ch <> #13)           begin             rawline := rawline + ch           end;         memo1.lines.append(rawline);     ;       end;     end; end; 

enjoy testing ;)


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