Firefox always show menubar toolbar -

i working on firefox extension in have made various changes in browser.xul customize firefox's ui. default firefox has menu-bar disabled/invisible. want display menu-bar toolbar. fyi, have disabled right-click on toolbar shows context menu where-in 1 can make menu-bar visible or gone.

is there way 1 can make setting?

this isnt solution start of one.

option 1

figure out how set style sheet more importance 1 here:

it looks when inactive=true attribute set on chrome://global/content/xul.css line 289 gets css important of height 0. tried registering style sheet own height

this whats applied when `inactive=true` attribute on it:  toolbar[type="menubar"][autohide="true"][inactive="true"]:not([customizing="true"]) {   min-height: 0 !important;   height: 0 !important;   -moz-appearance: none !important;   border-style: none !important; } 

i tried importance not overriding this, page worth read, css order priority think can done this:

i tried code wouldnt take more importance:

// globals cu.import('resource://gre/modules/services.jsm'); var sss = cc[';1'].getservice(ci.nsistylesheetservice);  try {     sss.unregistersheet(cssuri, sss.author_sheet); } catch (ignore) {}  var cssuri; var css = 'toolbar[type="menubar"][autohide="true"][inactive="true"]:not([customizing="true"]) { height: 50px !important; min-height: 50px !important;'; var newuriparam = {     aurl: 'data:text/css,' + encodeuricomponent(css),     aorigincharset: null,     abaseuri: null }; var cssuri =, newuriparam.aorigincharset, newuriparam.abaseuri); sss.loadandregistersheet(cssuri, sss.author_sheet); 

i tried var css = '#toolbar-menubar[type="menubar"][autohide="true"][inactive="true"]:not([customizing="true"]) { height: 50px !important; min-height: 50px !important;'; notoice how used #toolbar-menubar id instead of tag selector, id has highest importance, didnt work though kept selectivity after it.

option 2

mutation observer, whenever inactive=true gets attached, remove it. sure fire without thinking guranteed. think css option preferred gives better performance.


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