html - Apply CSS style attribute dynamically in Angular JS based on condtion -

hi working on project in using angularjs,mvc.i have page showing list of issues div , till using ng-class conditionally assigning border-bottom-color issues.i have made different css classes depending on status want border-bottom-color value set model property i.e selectedproject.projectissues.colorinhexa


  <div data-ng-repeat="issue in  issues | filter:searchissue"         data-ng-click="showissuedetails(issue);"        data-ng-cloak=""        class="list-group list-group-item list-group-item-i ng-cloak no-radius no-border no-bg m-t-n-xxs m-b"         data-ng-class="{active: ==,                        pending: issue.statusname == 'pending',inprogress: issue.statusname == 'in progress',                        limitation: issue.statusname == 'limitation',                        needsresearch: issue.statusname == 'needs research',                        intesting: issue.statusname == 'in testing',                        issuenotclear: issue.statusname == 'issue not clear',                        unassigned: issue.statusname == 'unassigned'}"> 

css file

 .pending      {     border-bottom: 4px solid #ffc7ce !important;     padding-bottom: 5px;     }      .inprogress {     border-bottom: 4px solid #e2acfd !important;     padding-bottom: 5px;     }      .limitation {     border-bottom: 4px solid #aaaaaa !important;     padding-bottom: 5px;     }  .needsresearch {     border-bottom: 4px solid #808080 !important;     padding-bottom: 5px; }  .intesting {     border-bottom: 4px solid #ffeb9c !important;     padding-bottom: 5px; } .issuenotclear {     background-color: #ffffff; } .unassigned {     background-color: #d0d0d0; }  .blacktxt {     color: black;     font-family: calibri;     font-size: 14px;     font-weight: normal; }  .issuecount {     border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;     padding: 0px 6px;     font-size: 10px; }  .pendingissue {     background-color: #ffc7ce;     color: #bb002e; }  .inprogressissue {     background-color: #e2acfd;     color: #494dab; }  .limitationissue {     background-color: #aaaaaa;     color: #704f5f; }  .needsresearchissue {     background-color: #808080;     color: #612032; }  .intestingissue {     background-color: #ffeb9c;     color: #9c6524; } 

now in above css in .pending class have used color code-#ffc7ce have provided static.but want achieve this

     <div data-ng-repeat="issue in  issues | filter:searchissue"            data-ng-click="showissuedetails(issue);"           data-ng-cloak=""           class="list-group list-group-item list-group-item-i ng-cloak no-radius no-border no-bg m-t-n-xxs m-b"            data-ng-class="{active: ==,                          {border-bottom-color:selectedproject.projectissues.colorinhexa;}: issue.statusname == selectedproject.projectissues.status}"> 

you can use angular's directive ng-style , this:

<div data-ng-repeat="issue in  issues | filter:searchissue"        data-ng-click="showissuedetails(issue);"       data-ng-cloak=""       class="list-group list-group-item list-group-item-i ng-cloak no-radius no-border no-bg m-t-n-xxs m-b"        data-ng-class="{active: == }"       data-ng-style="{ 'border-bottom-color': issue.statusname == selectedproject.projectissues.status ? selectedproject.projectissues.colorinhexa : 'none' }"> 


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