android - Add text to path on canvas -

i trying draw text on canvas using path.

i have class text , create new path text , add path path objects. when try add text not printed on screen.

i not know can problem not found documentation how draw text on path , not know how can it.

protected void ondraw(canvas canvas){     for(path p : paths){         canvas.drawpath(p, drawpaint);     }     canvas.drawpath(drawpath, drawpaint);  }  //i skip ontouch event , write here action  case motionevent.action_up:       path txtpath=new path();       textpaint txt=new textpaint();       txt.setpaint(drawpaint);       txt.settext(text);       txt.setx(x);       txt.sety(y);       txt.setpath(txtpath);       drawpath.addpath(txtpath, x, y);   //this class text public static class textpaint{    public string text;    public float x;    public float y;    public paint paint;    public string selector ;    public path path;     public string getselector() {        return selector;    }     public void setselector(string selector) {        this.selector = selector;    }     public path getpath() {        return path;    }     public void setpath(path path) {        this.path = path;    }     public float getx() {        return x;    }     public void setx(float x) {        this.x = x;    }     public float gety() {        return y;    }     public void sety(float y) {        this.y = y;    }     public paint getpaint() {        return paint;    }     public void setpaint(paint paint) {        this.paint = paint;    }     public string gettext() {         return text;    }     public void settext(string text) {        this.text = text;    }    }     


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