java - AWS DynamoDB and Android Development (Put Item into table in DynamoDB) -

i having problem regarding getting items dynamodb table. tried code wrote apps crashed , lost of have below may codes references.

additem method

public void additem()     {         dynamodb db = new dynamodb(client);                 table table = db.gettable(tablename);          map<string, attributevalue> add = new hashmap<string, attributevalue>();          // build item         item item = new item()             .withprimarykey("id_tesis", 206)             .withstring("author_tesis", "20-bicycle 206")             .withstring("program_tesis", "206 description")             .withstring("super_tesis", "hybrid")             .withstring("title_tesis", "brand-company c")                .withint("title_tesis", 2004);          // write item table          table.putitem(item);      }

public void onclick(view v)              {                  dbclient.additem();                  log.i("sys", "good");               } 

logcat error:

06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001): fatal exception: main 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001): process: com.afdal.ftsmtheses, pid: 17001 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001): java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ com.afdal.ftsmtheses.update_table.additem( 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ com.afdal.ftsmtheses.admin_page$2.onclick( 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ android.view.view.performclick( 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ android.view.view$ 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ android.os.handler.handlecallback( 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ android.os.looper.loop( 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @$ 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ 06-04 13:26:26.749: e/androidruntime(17001):    @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 

the reason see error because library aws-java-sdk-dynamodb isn't exported apk. if use eclipse, please check project properties -> java build path -> order , export.

the dynamodb document api offered aws java sdk, unavailable in aws sdk android. if plan use sdk on android, please consider aws sdk android tested on android , optimized android in terms of library size, method count number, , performance. see more information.


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