java - getting a class having the same generic type of another class -

this first question here, make forum lives.

i want image2d class have same generic type of point2d class. :

 package utilities;  import ij.imageplus; import utilities.point2d;  public class image2d<t> {      arraylist<point2d<t>> original = new arraylist<point2d<t>>();      public image2d(imageplus imp) {         // imp.getprocessor().getintarray() returns int[][]         this.original = matrixtoimage2d(imp.getprocessor().getintarray());     }      private static <t> arraylist<point2d<t>> matrixtoimage2d(t[][] matrix) {          arraylist<point2d<t>> img = new arraylist<point2d<t>>();          (int row=0; row<matrix.length; row++) {             (int col=0; col<matrix[row].length; col++) {                 img.add(new point2d(col, row, matrix[row][col]));             }         }          return img;     }  }

package utilities;  public class point2d<t> {      public int x;     public int y;     public t value;      public point2d(int col, int row, t value) {         this.x = col;         this.y = row;         this.value = value;     }      public int getx() {         return this.x;     }      public int gety() {         return this.y;     }      public t getvalue() {         return this.value;     } } 

i must not use concept that, put code illustrate idea. please can tell me java concepts have use ?


i suspect know problem - you've added comment summarising it.

// imp.getprocessor().getintarray() returns int[][] 

the matrixtoimage method needs t[][] giving int[][] not work.

you must either make imageplus take generic parameter (imageplus<t>) , make getintarray return t[][] or must make matrixtoimage2d take int[][] parameter.

one other alternative use t extends number , make adapter methods translate between int[][] , t[][].


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