javascript - Google Map API seems to not load -

i have problem google map on website not loading there still in container except white background, indeed can see terms @ bottom right , satellite button @ top right.

there code, hope able spot wrong :

function initialize() {         var mylatlng = new google.maps.latlng(49.724305, 4.716567);         var mapoptions = {           center: mylatlng,           zoom: 17,           maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap         }          var map = new, mapoptions);          var image = {             url: '/media/a.png',             size: new google.maps.size(56, 67),             origin: new google.maps.point(0, 0),             anchor: new google.maps.point(32, 67),             scaledsize: new google.maps.size(56, 67)         };          var marker = new google.maps.marker({             position: mylatlng,             map: map,             icon: image         });     }      google.maps.event.adddomlistener(window, 'load', initialize()); 

in code mapcanvas seems unassigned. after adding var mapcanvas = document.getelementbyid('map'); map loads intended. jsfiddle


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