c# - IBM DB2 issue--System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly IBM.DB2.DLL or one of its dependencies -

i getting above mentioned error message. have made enough research , tried out various options still no luck.

here arethe details below:

os: windows 7 64 bit version      visual studio version: 2013 premium     .net framework version : 4.0.30319     asp.net version: 4.0.30319.34249     iis version: 7.0     db2 installed path: c:\program files (x86)\ibm     dll path: c:\program files (x86)\ibm\sqllib\bin\netf40\ibm.db2.dll     dll version: 

i have changed solution configuration manager platform cpu , have changed settings in application pool setting property enable 32-bit application true.

but still getting same error. there other workaround?

please me suggestions.

in case, happening windows server 2012 r2 standard, error caused package not installing in global cache assembly make sure check c:\windows\assembly ensure program installed under gac_32 , gac_64, should see

enter image description here

if not had in order solve it.

1)i had check version had installed in order ensure compatibility.

2)the "ibm data server client" did not install properly, using gui due bug, had run silently using administrator

3) due server nature had install .net 3.5 using ibm-steps <-- link did not work me had use ms-steps <-- link these lines

dism /image:c:\test\offline /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all /limitaccess /source:d:\sources\sxs 

4) found out 1 of issues "ibm data server client" still not install checking db2log folder in c:\user_dir\document\db2log

5) had install "ibm data run time client" latest fix in case 9.7 fix 10, can accessed free on ibm's download page have register takes 1 minute , response asap, make sure follow through else wait until stupidity factor kicks in.... me...

6) able install "ibm data server client"

7) double check ensure can see "db2copy1" or whatever choose call installation copy.

enter image description here

i'm sure don't need both, no loginder mess thing.


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