javascript - show nth-child number when click - turn nth-child number into a variable -

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i need javascript show me nth-child number when click li. example if click "apple" console.log show me "2". want turn nth-child number variable.

<!doctype html> <html>     <head>         <style type="text/css">             li:nth-child(1) b {color: #eeaa33;}             li:nth-child(2) b {color: #0000ff;}             li:nth-child(3) b {color: #ff3300;}         </style>     </head>     <body>         <ul class="menu">             <li><b>apple</b></li>             <li><b>watermelon</b></li>             <li><b>blueberry</b></li>            </ul>         <script>     //i need javascript show me nth-child number when click li.          //for example if click "apple" console.log show me "2".         // want turn nth-child number variable.         </script>     </body> </html> 

if can use jquery, .prevall() help. assign click handler "li", call .prevall() on clicked element, , take length of resulting set number of siblings before clicked element. add 1 first li has n=1.

$("li").click(function(){       var n = $(this).prevall().length + 1;       console.log(n);   }); 


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