embedded - Storing an HTTP request in an array using C -

i trying catch http request , store in array using c . how can possibly ?

the request of following form :

post /box/update http/1.1 accept : application/json content-type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded host: content-length : 83 connection : close  serial=1234&pin=1234&powestate=true&startstate=true&temperature=11&macadress=113 

code have tried far :

/*   wifi web server  simple web server shows value of analog input pins.  using wifi shield.  example written network using wpa encryption.  wep or wpa, change wifi.begin() call accordingly.  circuit:  * wifi shield attached  * analog inputs attached pins a0 through a5 (optional)  created 13 july 2010  dlf (metodo2 srl)  modified 31 may 2012  tom igoe  */ #include <spi.h> #include <wifi.h> #include <wificlient.h> #include <wifiserver.h>  // network name called ssid char ssid[] = "myssid"; // network password char password[] = "mypassword"; // network key index number (needed wep) int keyindex = 0; wifiserver server(mport); int array_number = 3; void setup() {   serial.begin(115200);      // initialize serial communication   pinmode(red_led, output);      // set led pin mode   // attempt connect wifi network:   serial.print("attempting connect network named: ");   // print network name (ssid);   serial.println(ssid);    // connect wpa/wpa2 network. change line if using open or wep network:   wifi.begin(ssid, password);   while ( wifi.status() != wl_connected) {     // print dots while wait connect     serial.print(".");     delay(300);   }    serial.println("\nyou're connected network");   serial.println("waiting ip address");    while (wifi.localip() == inaddr_none) {     // print dots while wait ip addresss     serial.print(".");     delay(300);   }   // you're connected now, print out status     printwifistatus();    serial.println("starting webserver on port 80");   server.begin();                           // start web server on port 80   serial.println("webserver started!"); }  void loop() {   // listen incoming clients   wificlient client = server.available();   string buffer = "";   string post_str1 = "";     /*   int temperatures;   string macaddresses;   */    string status_message;   int status_code;   boolean powerstates[3]= {true,true,true};   boolean startstates[3]= {true,true,true};   //int temperatures[3]={11,22,33};   char * macaddresses[3] = {"155","156","157"};   char *  temperatures[3] = {"11","22","33"};   // powerstates[3]    //startstates[3]    /*   temperatures = 11;   macaddresses = "155";   */   status_code = 1;   status_message = "success";    if (client) {     serial.println("new client");     // http request ends blank line     boolean currentlineisblank = true;     int check = 0;     while (client.connected()) {       if (client.available()) {         char c = client.read();         buffer +=c;         serial.write(c);          // if you've gotten end of line (received newline         // character) , line blank, http request has ended,         // can send reply        //if(c == '\n' && currentlineisblank){        if(buffer.indexof("true")>=0||buffer.indexof("false")>=0){            // you're starting new line            client.println("http/1.1 200 ok");           client.println("content-type: application/json");           client.println();            client.print("{\"serial\":\"");           client.print("1234");           client.print("\",\"pin\":\"");           client.print("1234");            client.print("\",\"powerstates\":");           client.print("[1,1,1]");           client.print(",\"startstates\":");           client.print("[1,1,1]");           client.print(",\"temperatures\":");           client.print("[11,22,33]");           client.print(",\"macaddresses\":");           client.print("[\"125\",\"136\",\"137\"]");  /*           client.print("\",\"powerstates\":");           client.print("[\"true\",\"true\",\"true\"]");           client.print(",\"startstates\":");           client.print("[\"false\",\"false\",\"false\"]");           client.print(",\"temperatures\":");           client.print("[\"11\",\"22\",\"33\"]");           client.print(",\"macaddresses\":");           client.print("[\"155\",\"156\",\"157\"]"); */           client.print(",\"status_code\":");           client.print(status_code);           client.print(",\"status_message\":\"");           client.print(status_message);           client.print("\"}");              serial.print("\n\r");            serial.print("{\"serial\":\"");           serial.print("1234");           serial.print("\",\"pin\":\"");           serial.print("1234");            serial.print("\",\"powerstates\":");           serial.print("[\"true\",\"true\",\"true\"]");           serial.print(",\"startstates\":");           serial.print("[\"true\",\"true\",\"true\"]");           serial.print(",\"temperatures\":");           serial.print("[\"11\",\"22\",\"33\"]");           serial.print(",\"macaddresses\":");           serial.print("[\"155\",\"156\",\"157\"]");            serial.print(",\"status_code\":");           serial.print(status_code);           serial.print(",\"status_message\":\"");           serial.print(status_message);           serial.print("\"}");             serial.print("\n\r");            buffer="";           check==0;           break;           }           if(c == '\n'){             currentlineisblank=true;            }           else if (c !='\r'){             currentlineisblank=false;           }         }// carrage       }//client avable     // give web browser time receive data     delay(1);     // close connection:     client.stop();     serial.println("client disonnected");    }//if client }//while  void printwifistatus() {   // print ssid of network you're attached to:   serial.print("network name: ");   serial.println(wifi.ssid());   // print wifi shield's ip address:   ipaddress ip = wifi.localip();   serial.print("ip address: ");   serial.println(ip);   // print received signal strength:   long rssi = wifi.rssi();   serial.print("signal strength (rssi):");   serial.print(rssi);   serial.println(" dbm"); }  

my program requires store each variable , value further use.i have been able read request , output on console , further stuck.


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