- Will changing web.config session timeout to enabled in SharePoint Web App affect other application? -

senario: have multiple .aspx page coded session timeout, , .aspx stored in sps .../_layouts/15/mypages/ folder. below changes on web.config


<pages enablesessionstate="true" ... > ... <add name="session" type="system.web.sessionstate.sessionstatemodule" precondition="" /> 

.aspx c# code

int millisec = (this.session.timeout * 60000); 

will affect other application in sharepoint? if yes, can .aspx page have it's own web.config prevent conflict?

changes of web.config affect corresponding web application. increasing timeout not idea when want affect 1 page. better solution using splongoperation object implement logic. there @ least 3 reasons:

  1. it systematic solution solves not timeout waiting animation , standard behavior.
  2. setting timeout in web.config affects whole web application not page.
  3. any value put in web.config low slow systems , high fast systems.


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