javascript - Series Hover to Highlight Border Color -

i have following implementation highlight paired objects on stacked bar chart.

however, know whether or not there way implement more pronounced highlight effect. example make bar paired bar stacks border black when hover mouse.

serieshover: function (e) {    var clickedseries =;    var chart = $("#chart").data("kendochart");    (var = 0; < chart.options.series.length; i++) {         chart.togglehighlight(false, chart.options.series[i].name);      }    chart.togglehighlight(true, clickedseries); } 

here jsfiddle

the default highlight has fill , stroke of white opacity = 0.2. therefore can find paths stroke opacity , change them black:

   $("#chart g path").each(function (idx){         var op = $(this).attr('stroke-opacity');         if (op == 0.2){             $(this)                 .attr('stroke', '#000')                 .attr('stroke-opacity', 1)                 .attr('stroke-width', 2);         }     });    

updated fiddle


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