javascript - Why does my directive lose $event? -

i have custom directive confirm if user clicks element wants perform action:

  .directive('ngreallyclick', ['$modal',     function ($modal) {          return {             restrict: 'a',             scope: {                 ngreallyclick: "&",             },             link: function (scope, element, attrs) {                 var isdeletedisabled = scope.ngreallydisabled;                 element.bind('click', function () {                     if (isdeletedisabled != true) {                         var message = attrs.ngreallymessage || "are sure ?";                         ...                         var modalinstance = ${                             template: modalhtml,                             controller: modalinstancectrl                         });                          modalinstance.result.then(function () {                             scope.ngreallyclick({ ngreallyitem: scope.ngreallyitem }); //raise error : $digest in progress                         }, function () {                             //modal dismissed                             return false;                         });                     };                 });              }         }     }]); 

it used e.g:

<a ng-really-message="are sure want save , close?" ng-really-click="saveandcloseglobal(456)" 

where saveandcloseglobal called when user confirms choice. but, if try , pass $event function, original click event, ends undefined. if use plain ng-click=saveandcloseglobal($event) correct event object in saveandcloseglobal.


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