c# - Windows Phone 8.1 gridview -

how can create stackpanel in gridview various elements in stackpanel responding different click event?

the stackpanel contain 2 appbarbutton , each appbarbutton has textblock increments based on number of clicks...

        <gridview itemssource={binding}>         <gridview.itemtemplate>             <datatemplate>                 <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">                     <stackpanel orientation="vertical">                         <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">                             <appbarbutton icon="like"                           name="like"                           iscompact="true"                           click="like_click"/>                             <textblock name="numoflike"                        text="{binding no_positive_likes}"/>                         </stackpanel>                         <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">                             <appbarbutton icon="dislike"                           name="dislike"                           iscompact="true"                           click="dislike_click"/>                             <textblock name="numofdislike"                        text="{binding no_negative_likes}"/>                         </stackpanel>                     </stackpanel>                     <stackpanel orientation="vertical"                     tapped="loadquestionanswer_click">                         <textblock name="question"                        text="what name"                        fontsize="30"/>                         <textblock text="2013-12-10"/>                     </stackpanel>                  </stackpanel>              </datatemplate>         </gridview.itemtemplate>     </gridview> 

i have handled same scenario using behaviorssdk.this sdk makes life easy adding ability call function event. add reference in project behaviorssdk , add method item data class each event. here example:

observablecollection<itemmodel> items;  public class itemmodel {     public bool no_positive_likes ...      public bool no_negative_likes ...      public void likebuttonpressed()     {         ...     }     public void dislikebuttonpressed()     {         ...     } } 

then in xamll:

    xmlns:i="using:microsoft.xaml.interactivity"     xmlns:core="using:microsoft.xaml.interactions.core"     ...      <gridview itemssource={binding}>     <gridview.itemtemplate>         <datatemplate>             <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">                 <stackpanel orientation="vertical">                     <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">                         <appbarbutton icon="like"                             name="like"                             iscompact="true">                             <i:interaction.behaviors>                                 <core:eventtriggerbehavior eventname="click">                                     <core:callmethodaction targetobject="{binding mode=oneway}" methodname="likebuttonpressed"/>                                 </core:eventtriggerbehavior>                             </i:interaction.behaviors>                         </appbarbutton> 


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