c# - Modifying Entity Framework Entities from Multiple Threads -

i have ui thread enables user set properties of entity.

i have worker threads automatically modify properties of entity that, importantly, user not have access to.

would safe have different dbcontexts per thread , depend on programming avoid modifying same property , attempting savechanges() on context has same entity modified in different ways?

or there safer way of doing this, i.e. way in possible programmer day change code such same property modified 2 different contexts safely? or latter situation 1 programmer has careful/refactor around?

theoretical part

there three ways resolve concurrency issues in multi-threading environment:

  • pessimistic, can done locks item being edited - no 1 else can edit item being edited. hard implement approach, , way quite bad performance view - editing threads waiting single writer, , wasting system resources.
  • optimistic, default way resolve issues. main idea continue operation until have success. there lot of algorithm introduced, encourage read whole wiki-article and, may be, additional references and/or books on theme.
  • semi-optimistic, hybrid approach, way being used if need lock operations, not all.

practice part

entity framework authors encourage use optimistic way in app. the simple use-case add rowversion or similar-named property model, , catch dbupdatedexception during update.

you can use code-first solution, this:

[timestamp] public byte[] rowversion { get; set; } 

or database-first solution (add column database editor):

enter image description here

after that, code simple case like:

using (var context = new schooldbentities()) {     try     {         context.entry(student1withuser2).state = entitystate.modified;         context.savechanges();     }     catch (dbupdateconcurrencyexception ex)     {         console.writeline("optimistic concurrency exception occured");     } } 

as understood, have examine properties of data source, suggest read a great article regarding such use-cases (it mvc-application, i'm sure can manage out main idea).

you can find several articles regarding concurrency in entity framework on msdn:

  • optimistic concurrency patterns
    • resolving optimistic concurrency exceptions reload (database wins)
    • resolving optimistic concurrency exceptions client wins
    • custom resolution of optimistic concurrency exceptions
    • custom resolution of optimistic concurrency exceptions using objects
  • working property values
    • getting , setting current or original value of individual property
    • getting , setting current value of unmapped property
    • checking whether property marked modified
    • marking property modified
    • reading current, original, , database values properties of entity
    • setting current or original values object
    • setting current or original values dictionary
    • setting current or original values dictionary using property
    • creating cloned object containing current, original, or database values
    • getting , setting current or original values of complex properties
    • using dbpropertyvalues access complex properties

as can see, situation relies on developer side, , have great amount of patterns may choose resolve concurrent issues yourself.


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