c# - How to convert binary data in Sql Server database back to image.used Memory Stream. It saved and now trying to retrieve from Sql Server -

    private void btnsave_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {          sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(connect.connectionstr);         sqlcommand command = new sqlcommand();         sqldataadapter sda = new sqldataadapter();          try         {              con.open();              command.connection = con;              if (txtfullname.text == "")             {                 ///             }             else if (txtusername.text == "")             {                 ///             }             else if (txtpassword.text == "")             {                 //             }             else if (txtconfirm.text == "")             {                 //             }             //else if (picstaffimage.image == null)             //{             //    messagebox.show("please upload image");             //}             else if (cmbstationoptn.text == "")             {                 //             }             else             {                   image img = picstaffimage.image;                 byte[] arr;                 imageconverter converter = new imageconverter();                 arr = (byte[])converter.convertto(img, typeof(byte[]));                    string passinsert = " insert tblusernameandpassword " +                                      "(fullname,username,password,confirmpassword,image,stationofoperation)" +                                      "values ('" + txtfullname.text + "', " +                                      "'" + txtusername.text + "'," +                                      " '" + txtpassword.text + "'," +                                      " '" + txtconfirm.text + "' ," +                                      " '"+ arr +"', " +                                      " '" + cmbstationoptn.text + "' ) ";                  command = new sqlcommand(passinsert, con);                  command.executereader();                  messagebox.show("username , password has been saved");              }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             messagebox.show(ex.message);         }                 {             con.close();         } 

i created class this

using system.drawing.imaging; namespace sddapp {     class imageconvert     {         public static image bytearraytoimage(byte[] bytearrayin)         {              using (memorystream stream = new memorystream(bytearrayin)             {                 return image.fromstream(stream);             }         }     } } 

now reading binary data sql server database using sqldatareader.

private void btnsearch_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(connect.connectionstr);     sqlcommand command = new sqlcommand();     sqldatareader reader;      //in try catch block     try     {              txtconfirm.text = (string)reader["pass$$"];                                       picstaffimage.image = (image)reader["myimage"]; //get image             imageconvert.bytearraytoimage(byte[] bytearrayin); //goes imageconvert retrieve image in byte              picstaffimage.image = imageconvert.bytearraytoimage(imageconvert.bytearraytoimage(byte[] bytearrayin); //i want convert image//error best overload method has invalid argument 'bytearraytoimagebyte'has invalid arguments              picstaffimage.image = (image)reader.[(picstaffimage.image)];             cmbstationoptn.text = (string)reader["stationofoperation"];                              }     reader.close();     command.dispose(); } 

most of code inside try block invalid. bytearraytoimage method looks fine. change try catch this:

//in try catch block try {         txtconfirm.text = (string)reader["pass$$"];                                   picstaffimage.image = imageconvert.bytearraytoimage((byte[])reader["myimage"]);          cmbstationoptn.text = (string)reader["stationofoperation"];                          } catch {} 

you missing close parentheses in using line.

    public static image bytearraytoimage(byte[] bytearrayin)     {          using (memorystream stream = new memorystream(bytearrayin))                                                                   ^         {             return image.fromstream(stream);         }     } 


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