jenkins - Artifactory creating folders instead of deploying artifact -

i have plugin forked artifactory jenkins plugin deploys artifacts artifactory. working fine sometime when hit weird issue couple of days ago : deploy artifact layout , plugin deploys fine @ leaf level of layout instead of deploying artifact makes empty folder.

i go logs , see following:

 (o.a.e.uploadserviceimpl:273) - mkdir request 'yum-snapshot-local:rhel5/i386/packages//-1.12.13-d.34.i386.rpm'     2015-06-04 00:00:10,219 [http-bio-8081-exec-1339] [info ] (o.a.e.uploadserviceimpl:279) - directory 'yum-snapshot-local:rhel5/i386/packages//-1.12.13-d.34.i386.rpm' created successfully.     2015-06-04 00:00:11,326 [http-bio-8081-exec-1366] [info ] (o.a.r.r.c.buildresource:286) - adding build 'test #34'     2015-06-04 00:00:11,550 [http-bio-8081-exec-1366] [info ] (o.a.r.r.c.buildresource:303) - added build 'test #34' 

as can see reason plugin making mkdir request instead of deploying , thats why creates empty directories fork 2.2.7 artifactory jenkins plugin.

i use older version of plugin , seems deploy fine, log shows :

2015-06-03 23:48:00,458 [http-bio-8081-exec-1339] [info ] (o.a.e.uploadserviceimpl:479) - deploy 'libs-snapshot-     local:djin/platforn/cande/freebsd/i386/packages/something/something-1.12.13-d.20.i386.rpm' content-length: 51 

any reason why should make mkdir rquest? can find "o.a.e.uploadserviceimpl" file ?

edit 1.0

much thanks, looks issue here :

private void adjustresponseandupload(artifactoryrequest request, artifactoryresponse response,             localrepo targetrepository) throws ioexception {         if (processoriginatedexternally(response)) {             response = new delayedhttpresponse((httpartifactoryresponse) response);         }         try {             if (request.isdirectoryrequest()) {                 createdirectory(request, response);             } else if (request.ischecksum()) {                 validateanduploadchecksum(request, response, targetrepository);             } else if (namingutils.ismetadata(request.getpath())) {                 response.senderror(sc_conflict, "old metadata notation not supported anymore: " +                         request.getrepopath(), log);             } else {                 uploadartifact(request, response, targetrepository);             } 

if (request.isdirectoryrequest()) returning true reason, hence processing folder, reason ?


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