Android Video Editing using ffmpeg -

i using ffmpeg library video editing using bin ffmed file in android code. works fine when crop video , rotate it, takes time , got stuck.

this method call video cropping.

 public void rotateandcropclip(string in, string out,int rotate, shellcallback callback) throws ioexception, interruptedexception {     arraylist<string> cmd = new arraylist<string>();     cmd = new arraylist<string>();      cmd.add(mffmpegbin);      // input file     cmd.add("-i");     cmd.add(in);     cmd.add("-vf");      if(rotate == 1){         cmd.add("crop=360:480:0:0,transpose="+rotate);     }else{         cmd.add("transpose="+rotate+",crop=480:360:0:0");     }      cmd.add("-preset");     cmd.add("ultrafast");     cmd.add("-c:a");     cmd.add("copy");      // output file     cmd.add(out);     execffmpeg(cmd, callback); } 

is there way stop freezing app , boost processing or other way/ library video croping?

well how works!

as using

cmd.add("-preset"); cmd.add("ultrafast"); 

it still better others
i'd recommended use....

  cmd.add("-threads");   cmd.add("5");   

ffmpeg stay slow, improve performance.
hope helps :)


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