unix - Beginner Software RE help, RAM Addresses, library loading, where to start? -

to start off, use os x unix based system.

i have beginner theoretical knowledge in c++ , expand knowledge software reverse engineering. every guide seems jump in half way , seem miss giant gap of information required start up. end goal build working dylib application. start learning ram addresses, how work, how libraries loaded , actual hell start reading, subject. i've learned far has distinct start point, syntax find uses terminology don't understand. find myself branching off more , more because article used keyword don't understand, google it, other 1 uses 5 don't understand , stuck. application under question not have changing memory addresses, learn how compensate using offsets.

where start?!

before started reverse engeneering you'll need more theoretical knowledge of c language. forget c++ now, c simpler , it's low level once master you'll understand how programs work under hood. copy of c programming language brian kernighan , dennis ritchie , go through whole book.

once feel confortable writting c programs familiar unix standards posix , move on os x specific stuff. best resource os x programming http://developer.apple.com. link below explains how dynamic libraries work on os x. once understanding of c make sense.



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