jboss - How to get entire classpath of the modules added to wildfly server -

i have tried below snippet

string path = system.getproperty("java.class.path"); 

i get

../wildfly-8.2.0.final/jboss-modules.jar   string modulepath = system.getproperty("jboss.module.path"); // ../wildfly-8.2.0.final/jboss-modules.jar 

and not ones have added in modules

when try

stringbuffer buffer = new stringbuffer(); (url url :     ((urlclassloader) (thread.currentthread()     .getcontextclassloader())).geturls()) {     buffer.append(new file(url.getpath()));     buffer.append(system.getproperty("path.separator"));             } 

getting :

java.lang.classcastexception: org.jboss.modules.moduleclassloader cannot cast java.net.urlclassloader

use getresourceasstream on application class path using same class loader app.


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