calculator - I want to use the math.round function in a jquery file but I do not know where to place it to arrive at the wanted result -

i trying make calculator in jquery, , managed couple of things encounted issues , need help. want place math. round function code make division result more pleasant-looking not know where. tried .tofixed not example if have operation 5/2, result 2,500 , want 2.5. adressing wrong var? lost. here code:

$ (event) {     event.preventdefault();     var currvalue = $(this).text();     var curroperand = parsefloat($display.text());     if (currvalue != 'ce') {         if (operation != null && !afteroperation) {             switch (operation) {                 case '+':                     $display.text(operand + curroperand);                     break;                 case '-':                     $display.text(operand - curroperand);                     break;                 case '*':                     $display.text(operand * curroperand);                     break;                 case '/':                     if (curroperand != 0) {                         $display.text((operand / curroperand).tofixed(3));                     } else {                         alert("error");                         reset();                     }                     break; 

highly appreciate help

add number in division case:

$display.text(number((operand / curroperand).tofixed(3))); 

this first convert string number.

another way

you can use parsefloat:

parsefloat((5 / 2).tofixed(3)) 


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