java - Android right approach : where JSON response should be parsed - in UI thread, or in another one? -

i wondering - jsonobject or jsonarray received web-server should parsed in android app - in main ui or should delivered 1 ?

for example, i'm using volley library :

private void fetchresults(){      requestqueue queue = volley.newrequestqueue(mcontext);         string url = authenticationrequester.url_get_all_orders;         jsonarrayrequest jsondepartureobj = new jsonarrayrequest(url, new response.listener<jsonarray>() {             @override             public void onresponse(jsonarray jsonarray) {                 ivolleycallback.onjsonarraysuccess(jsonarray);             }         }, new response.errorlistener() {              @override             public void onerrorresponse(volleyerror error) {                 volleylog.d(tag, "error: " + error.getmessage());                 // hide progress dialog             }         });         queue.add(jsondepartureobj); } 

so should put ivolleycallback.onjsonarraysuccess(jsonarray); in thread execution or can maintained the main ui thread ?

let's imagine incoming json big , needs time proceeded ?

the same question relates asynctask , other possible ways working web-services in android.

it prefered that, every task takes long time, should proccessed in another thread avoid overloading mainthread:

asynctasks should ideally used short operations (a few seconds @ most.) if need keep threads running long periods of time, highly recommended use various apis provided java.util.concurrent package such executor, threadpoolexecutor , futuretask.

so if know have big data , take time, use new thread, if data small , takes less time, why take risk? move new thread too


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