javascript - Cannot read property 'removeCls' of null for tagfield in ExtJS 5 -

i'm upgrading extjs application form 4 5.1 . using boxselect component ux, in extjs 5.1 component come in core ext directory. removed boxselect , replaced tagfield said in gradation guide. after doing start getting error

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'removecls' of null.

if rename tagfield combo work without error.

i changing xtype : '' only, nothing else, don't know else missing in upgrading boxselect tagfield in extjs 5 ?

edit -: after debuging more found problem in toggleinvalidcls() method ext.form.field.text..please find code bellow,

toggleinvalidcls: function(haserror) {     var method = haserror ? 'addcls' : 'removecls';     this.callparent();     this.triggerwrap[method](this.triggerwrapinvalidcls);//getting error here     this.inputwrap[method](this.inputwrapinvalidcls); }, 

this.triggerwrap object coming null tagfield...any reason ? brwoser console showing warning xtemplate evaluation exception: wrapperstyle not defined before throwing error of removecls...

got problem combo override.just removed existing combo override, able show tagfield.

i have forgot have combo override in application.

remember - if using tagifled existing combo override consider while upgrading extjs 5 tagfield.


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