python - For each plot a new frame -

i'm practicing tkinter , matplotlib , came across i'd learn how do. idea simple: each plot, new page (a new frame).

it's simulation of true scenario i'm dealing with. in example should enter number of plots supposed happen click on 'file' > 'open plot' , plotting begins. thing is... know how embed 1 graph 1 frame, i'd learn how embed multiple graphs in different frames, later on can create 'next' button goes next frame contains next plot.

the following code not developed , contains mistakes, hope informs idea:

from tkinter import * import matplotlib matplotlib.use('tkagg') matplotlib import pyplot plt matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import figurecanvastkagg, navigationtoolbar2tkagg  x = [1,2,3] y = [1,2,3]  numberofplots = none   numberofplots = eval(input('number of plots: '))  class app():     global numberofplots     def __init__(self):         root = tk()         root.geometry('640x400')         menu_bar = menu(root)         root.configure(menu = menu_bar)         menu_file = menu(menu_bar)         menu_bar.add_cascade(label='file',menu = menu_file)         menu_file.add_command(label='open plots',command = openplots)         root.mainloop()  def openplots():     global numberofplots     fig = plt.figure()     in range(numberofplots):         plt.plot(x,y)          # numberofplots = number of frames created          frame = frame(root)         frame.pack()         canvas = figurecanvastkagg(fig, frame)         canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(fill='both', expand=true)         toolbar = navigationtoolbar2tkagg(canvas, frame)         toolbar.update()         canvas._tkcanvas.pack(fill='both', expand=true)  run = app() 


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