angularjs - AngularUI modal custom scope -

i wanted define custom scope modal (i don't want use dependency injection reasons) using in project, i'm getting error whenever define scope in $ here plunk created example on angularui's website:

i tried debugging , saw (modaloptions.scope || $rootscope) returns true custom scope , since true (obviously) doesn't have $new() function defined, exception thrown.

any thoughts?

you'll have pass scope instance:

var modalinstance = ${       animation: $scope.animationsenabled,       templateurl: 'mymodalcontent.html',       controller: 'modalinstancectrl',       size: size,       resolve: {         items: function () {           return $scope.items;         }       },       scope: $scope     }); 

you can pass own custom scope if don't want use controller's scope, working plnkr:


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