How to convert hash table to CSV file on Perl? -

i beginner using perl scripting. right have hash table store on variable ($xml) don't know how convert csv file. here content of hash table.

$var1 = {       'result' => {                   'item' => [                             {                               'bootbox8_id' => '222333',                               'site_id' => '144',                               'key' => '0',                               'os_version' => '3.1',                               'switch_name' => '',                               'type_id' => '109',                               'mac' => {                                        'item' => {                                                  'content' => '00:b0:92:2c:cb:9d',                                                  'key' => '0'                                                }                                      },                               'property' => 'sales',                               'console' => '',                               'name' => '',                               'bootbox8' => '',                               'os_name' => 'linux',                               'site' => 'india',                               'manufacturer' => 'xxx',                               'model' => 'xxx-4',                               'id' => '1083376',                                                               },                             {                               'bootbox2_id' => '222333',                               'site_id' => '144',                               'key' => '1',                               'os_version' => '3.1',                               'switch_name' => '',                               'type_id' => '109',                               'mac' => {                                        'item' => {                                                  'content' => '00:b0:98:1b:c6:e2',                                                  'key' => '0'                                                }                                      },                               'property' => 'sales',                               'console' => '',                               'name' => '',                               'bootbox2' => '',                               'os_name' => 'linux',                               'site' => 'india',                               'manufacturer' => 'xxx',                               'model' => 'xxx-4',                               'id' => '1083377',                                                             }                           ]                 },       'meta' => {                 'total_pages' => '1',                 'current_page' => '1',                 'per_page' => '10',                 'total' => '2'               }     }; 

and collect fields on hash table , convert csv file below.,sales,india,linux,xxx-4,sales,india,linux,xxx-5 

could provide detail sample can learn on that?

you need iterate on data. actual items in $xml->{result}->{item}. need dereference using @{ }. each item simple hashref. can join data using keys want.

foreach $item ( @{$xml->{result}->{item}} ){     join ',', $item->{name}, $item->{property}, $item->{site}, $item->{os_name}, $item->{model}; } 

if want little shorter, use hashref slice.

foreach $item ( @{$xml->{result}->{item}} ){     join ',', @{$item}{qw(name property site os_name model)}; } 

i'm asuming know how open file writing. if want more complex stuff csv, use text::csv excelent csv handler take lot of pain away.

check out perlreftut more infos on how work references.


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