point cloud library - Visualizing a (XYZRGBL) .pcd file -

i have 'xyzrgbl' point cloud in .pcd file. want visualize it, used code:

  boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::pclvisualizer> viewer (new pcl::visualization::pclvisualizer ("3d viewer"));   viewer->setbackgroundcolor (0, 0, 0);   viewer->addpointcloud<pcl::pointxyzrgb> (cloud1, "sample cloud");   viewer->setpointcloudrenderingproperties (pcl::visualization::pcl_visualizer_point_size, 1, "sample cloud");   viewer->addcoordinatesystem (1.0);   viewer->initcameraparameters (); 

but received error:

no matching function call ‘pcl::visualization::pclvisualizer::addpointcloud(pcl::pointcloud::ptr&, const char [13])

i tried:


instead of


but still same problem. 1 know fault? in advance

at end have add:

while (!viewer->wasstopped ())  { viewer->spinonce (100); boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds (100000));  } 

this show point cloud.


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