mvc - Having issue with multiple controllers of the same name in my project -

i running following error mvc 3 project:

multiple types found match controller named 'home'. can happen if route services request ('home/{action}/{id}') not specify namespaces search controller matches request. if case, register route calling overload of 'maproute' method takes 'namespaces' parameter.

the request 'home' has found following matching controllers: mycompany.myproject.webmvc.controllers.homecontroller

i have homecontroller in default controller folder, class name of mycompany.myproject.webmvc.controllers.homecontroller.

my registerroutes method, in global.asax, looks like:

    public static void registerroutes(routecollection routes)     {         routes.ignoreroute("{resource}.axd/{*pathinfo}");          routes.maproute(             "default", // route name             "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // url parameters             new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional } // parameter defaults         );     } 

i have area called company, homecontroller in default controller folder area, class name of

the registerarea method in companyarearegistration file looks like:

   public override void registerarea(arearegistrationcontext context)     {         context.maproute(             "company_default",             "company/{controller}/{action}/{id}",             new { area = "company", action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional }         );     } 

this leading error highlighted @ beginning of post. struggling trying piece solution various other posts, no luck.

is possible have homecontroller in default controllers folder , 1 in each area? if so, need make (assuming do) changes configuration file make work?

any appreciated!

the error message contains recommended solution: "if case, register route calling overload of 'maproute' method takes 'namespaces' parameter."

routes.maproute(      "default", // route name      "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // url parameters      new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional }, // parameter defaults      new string[] { "mycompany.myproject.webmvc.controllers"} ); 

this make http://server/ go homecontroller's index action is, think, want. http://server/company/home go company area's homecontroller's index action, defined in area registration.


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