nginx FastCGI-strip off the location prefix? -

i'm writing web application in python using, spawn_fcgi , nginx.

let's have configuration block in nginx:

location / {     include fastcgi.conf;     fastcgi_pass; } 

if access, say,, fastcgi application receives /api/test request location. framework use location when determining class execute. example:

urls = ( "/api/.*", myclass ) 

the problem comes if need place script in location on website. example:

location /app {     include fastcgi.conf;     fastcgi_pass; } 

now, when access, fastcgi application gets /app/api/test location.

it of course located anywhere: example. :-)

i app relocatable, installing on other servers may necessitate (e.g. has share server else). seems bit hardheaded insist every server place in same "virtual subdirectory".

right now, workaround has been this:

url_prefix = "/app" # same nginx location parameter urls = ( url_prefix+"/api/.*",myclass ) 

the problems here 1) means script still needs edited per site (not horrible @ least inconvenient) , 2) url_prefix variable has globally accessible entire collection of scripts - because example class or function may need access location need not include prefix.

i'm using custom python packages (e.g. directories containing scripts) simplify managing different scripts make app, problem passing url_prefix parameter around. example:

from myapp import appclass import web  url_prefix = "/app" # same nginx location parameter urls = ( url_prefix+"/api/.*",appclass.myclass ) app = web.application(urls,globals()) if __name__ == "__main__":     web.wsgi.runwsgi = lambda func, addr=none: web.wsgi.runfcgi(func, addr) 


class myclass:     def get(self):         global url_prefix # not work!         return url_prefix 

is there either nginx parameter cause path sent fastcgi relative location, or more elegant way handle in

the fastcgi.conf file should have configuration options need. might want @ fastcgi_split_path_info directive.

nginx fastcgi documentation.


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