recursion - Simplify a recursive function from 3 to 2 clauses -
i doing exercises on f#, have function calculate alternate sum:
let rec altsum = function | [] -> 0 | [x] -> x | x0::x1::xs -> x0 - x1 + altsum xs;; val altsum : int list -> int
the exercise consist in declare same function 2 clauses...but how this?
the answer of mydogisbox correct , work!
but after attempts found smallest , readable solution of problem.
let rec altsum2 = function | [] -> 0 | x0::xs -> x0 - altsum2 xs
altsum2 [1;2;3] this: 1 - (2 - (3 - 0)
it's bit tricky work!
off topic:
another elegant way solve problem, using f# list library is:
let altsum3 list = list.foldback (fun x acc -> x - acc) list 0;;
after comment of phoog started trying solve problem tail recursive function:
let tail_altsum4 list = let pl l = list.length l % 2 = 0 let rec rt = function | ([],acc) -> if pl list -acc else acc | (x0::xs,acc) -> rt (xs, x0 - acc) rt (list,0)
this bit tricky...substraction not commutative , it's impossible think revers list.rev
long list...but found workaround! :)
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