qt - Changing text direction in QTableView header -

i have table view in qt, header text go in vertical direction:

like table in excel

either in green square or in red?

you can achieve providing own implementation of qheaderview. here example implementation, overrides paintsection method paint text vertically.

class myheaderview(qtwidgets.qheaderview):      def __init__(self, parent=none):         super().__init__(qt.horizontal, parent)         self._font = qtgui.qfont("helvetica", 15)         self._metrics = qtgui.qfontmetrics(self._font)         self._descent = self._metrics.descent()         self._margin = 10      def paintsection(self, painter, rect, index):         data = self._get_data(index)         painter.rotate(-90)         painter.setfont(self._font)         painter.drawtext(- rect.height() + self._margin,                          rect.left() + (rect.width() + self._descent) / 2, data)      def sizehint(self):         return qtcore.qsize(0, self._get_text_width() + 2 * self._margin)      def _get_text_width(self):         return max([self._metrics.width(self._get_data(i))                     in range(0, self.model().columncount())])      def _get_data(self, index):         return self.model().headerdata(index, self.orientation()) 

you can use class in view follows:

headerview = myheaderview() tableview.sethorizontalheader(headerview) 

and result in following view:

enter image description here

as side note want add regular items, rather provide own item delegate. however, noted in qt documentation:

each header renders data each section itself, , not rely on delegate. result, calling header's setitemdelegate() function have no effect.


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