git remote add <name> <url> doesn't seem to work on windows -

i'm using win 7 git bash integrated windows command prompt. have repo i'm trying add remote. this:

git remote add myserver ssh:// sources 

now git responds with:

usage: git remote add [<options>] <name> <url>      -f, --fetch           fetch remote branches     --tags                import tags , associated objects when fetching                           or not fetch tag @ (--no-tags)     -t, --track <branch>  branch(es) track     -m, --master <branch>                           master branch     --mirror[=<push|fetch>]                           set remote mirror push or fetch 

i find puzzling since thought had done. suggestions?

the word sources @ end causing problem. documentation cited shows nothing after <url>. if it's folder name, attach url:

git remote add myserver ssh:// 


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