javascript - how to parse json data in html page -

how parse json data,i need display each , every data inside div element. using world weather online api service access weather data

<html>  <head>      <script src=""></script>  </head>  <body>      <input type="text" id="in"></input>      <input type="hidden" id="keys" value="api"></input>      <input type="hidden" value="json" id="format"></input>      <button id="go">search</button>           <script>          $(document).ready(function(){              $("#go").click(function(){                  var apikey = $("#keys").val();                  var q = $("#in").val();                  var format = $("#format").val();                    jquery.ajax({                      url: '' + apikey + '&q=' + q + '&format=' + format,                      success: function(response) {                          var obj = json.parse(response);                          console.log(obj);                      },                  });              });          });      </script>  </body>  </html>

example output berlin:

{"coord":{"lon":13.41,"lat":52.52},"sys":{"message":0.0826,"country":"de","sunrise":1433386009,"sunset":1433445756},"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"clear","description":"sky clear","icon":"01d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":290.628,"temp_min":290.628,"temp_max":290.628,"pressure":1037.43,"sea_level":1043.19,"grnd_level":1037.43,"humidity":81},"wind":{"speed":2.42,"deg":314.504},"clouds":{"all":0},"dt":1433424243,"id":2950159,"name":"berlin","cod":200} 

here, json.parse(response) return array. can access elements in array either keys or indexes.

for example, obj[0] '0'th element in array(or response text)'


obj.some_attribute_name access element key.


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