android - How can I set the top padding of a ListView programmatically? -

how can set top padding of listview programmatically? setpadding() nothing happens listview while doing in axml android:paddingtop="100dp" works great.

in other words; how can implement android:paddingtop="100dp" in code?

why need it?: need padding design/interaction reasons , works great if set in axml. size/value needs exact same size of view (because of design/interaction reasons) need set in code. , discovered listview.paddingtop property in background sets listpaddingtop of listview, tried looking answer in there couldn’t find solution setting property either.

i use axml setup:

    <listview     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:layout_weight="1"     android:paddingtop="100dp"     android:scrollbarstyle="outsideoverlay"     android:cliptopadding="false" /> 

you can use setpadding (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) listview.setpadding(0,padding,0,0);

this set top padding padding-pixels.

for set in dp instead, can conversion:

float scale = getresources().getdisplaymetrics().density; int dpaspixels = (int) (100*scale + 0.5f); 


try code:

view padding = new view(this); padding.setheight(100);  listview.addheaderview(padding); 


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