How To Change My Array Format In PHP -

my code generate array

array ( [0] => array     (         [0] => 2015-05-28         [1] => 1     ) [1] => array     (         [0] => 2015-05-29         [1] => 1     ) [2] => array     (         [0] => 2015-06-02         [1] => 2     ) ) 

i want convert same bellow

array(     [0] => array     (         [0] => 05         [1] => 2     )     [1] => array     (         [0] => 06         [1] => 2     ) ); 

how can convert array first month , total of second value

extract month key, , check if month in output array exists or not.

<?php  $array = array(     array(         '2015-05-28',         1     ), array(         '2015-05-29',         1     ), array(         '2015-06-02',         2     ) );  $output = array();  foreach ($array $val) {     $month = date('m', strtotime($val[0]));      if (isset($output[$month])) {         $output[$month] += $val[1];     } else {         $output[$month] = $val[1];     } }  echo '<pre>';  print_r($output);  /*     array     (         [05] => 2         [06] => 2     ) */  ?> 


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