saving data using session after page reload in cakephp -

my scenario need save user entered data on same. need , files need work on?

<div> <?php     echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_cust_name',                             array('label' => __l('customer name')));     echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_cust_address',                             array('label' => __l('customer address')));     echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_cust_city',                             array('label' => __l('customer city')));     echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_cust_country',                             array('label' => __l('customer country'))); ?> </div> <div class="grid_11 grid_right"> <?php     //echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_cust_country',     //                        array('label' => __l('customer country'),     //                              'type' => 'select',     //                              'options' => $gateway_options['countries'],     //                              'empty' => __l('please select')));     echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_cust_state',                              array('label' => __l('customer state')));     echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_zip',                              array('label' => __l('zip code')));     echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_cust_tel',                              array('label' => __l('phone')));     echo $this->form->input('deal.billing_cust_email',                              array('label' => __l('email'))); ?> </div> 


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