SQL Server 2012 - How to extract a value from an XML string? -

this seems basic, haven't been able find example works me, i'd appreciate advice.

i have sql server function determines various dates based on our fiscal year , today's date, , returns 1 row looks like... <row lastdayprevmonth="2015-04-30t00:00:00" lastdayprevmonthly="2014-04-30t00:00:00" ... />

in stored proc calls function, i've done...

declare @x xml set @x = dbo.getfiscalyeardates() 

...but can't seem extract value of lastdayprevmonth.

i've tried dozens of variations of this: select row.item.value('lastdayprevmonth', 'varchar(30)')[1] foo @x.nodes('row/item') ... "as bar" @ end...

that particular syntax gives error "incorrect syntax near keywork 'as'", tweaks don't help.

thanks assistance, dudes!

declare @doc xml  select @doc= ' <root> <row lastdayprevmonth="2015-04-30t00:00:00" lastdayprevmonthly="2014-04-30t00:00:00" /> </root> '  select        lastdayprevmonth = y.i.value('(@lastdayprevmonth)[1]', 'datetime')     , lastdayprevmonthly = y.i.value('@lastdayprevmonthly[1]', 'datetime')        @doc.nodes('root/row') y(i) 


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