c# - error cannot find path specified - NuGet - ASP.NET MVC -

can me fix error? working on project in asp.net mvc

warning 1 file '..\projectx.data.cf\dbcontextdatabase.cs' not added project. cannot add link file c:\anže\programi\projectxservice\projectx.data.cf\dbcontextdatabase.cs. file within project directory tree. projectx.data.cf

error 2 system cannot find path specified. webportal (webportal\webportal)

error 3 command ""c:\anže\programi\projectxservice.nuget\nuget.exe" install "c:\anže\programi\projectxservice\webportal\packages.config" -source "" -noninteractive -requireconsent -solutiondir "c:\anže\programi\projectxservice\ "" exited code 3. webportal (webportal\webportal)

i tried:

  • clearing package cache
  • allow nuget download missing packages during build" checked.
  • clean solution

something has got wrong database because cannot run old "working" version of project too.

edit: tried deleting database using answer here: how re-create database entity framework? stopped @ step 6 because cannot run commands in packagemanagerconsole - needs build, cannot build project because of error

check registry in location:

hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\command processor

there autorun key called ansicon - removing fix problem.


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