javascript - AngularJS: Reload data on div with controller and ng-repeat -

i new in angular js , learning it. have div , load data json on startup controller following code want reload again when json object changed after performing specific action.


!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html ng-app="ezpf" xmlns="">     <head>         <script src="lib/angular.js"></script>         <script src="lib/jquery.min.js"></script>     </head>     <body onload="ezpf.application.initialize()">         <div id="btn-import" class="my-button button-small" onclick="ezpf.application.openfile(this)">                     <span class="button-title">import</span>                     <span class="button-help">this button                         else.</span>                                 </div>         <div class="page" id="pro" ng-controller="productslistctrl store">              <div ng-repeat="product in store.products.products">                                        {{product.title}}              </div>         </div>     </body> </html> 


(function() {     var app = angular.module('ezpf', []);     app.controller('productslistctrl',['$scope', function($scope)     {         this.products = ezpf.application.getproducts();              $scope.reload = function()                 {                        $scope.products = ezpf.application.getproducts();                    };     }]); })(); 

in following javascript file opening json file , reload products object new data. after updating new json file contents have reload data. have tried call reload controller not working. please me, in advance.


var ezpf; if (!ezpf)      ezpf = {}; if (!ezpf.application)      ezpf.application = {};   ezpf.application =  {         products: [],     getproducts: function()     {         if (this.products.length == 0)          {             this.products =              {                 "products": [                 {                      "title": "default name"                      ....                 }]             }         }         return this.products;     },     openfile: function()     {         var docsdir = air.file.documentsdirectory;         try          {             var jsonfilter = new air.filefilter("json files", "*.json");             docsdir.browseforopenmultiple("select json files", [jsonfilter]);             docsdir.addeventlistener(air.filelistevent.select_multiple, filesselected);         }          catch (error)          {             air.trace("failed:", error.message)         }          function filesselected(event)         {             air.trace(event.files[0].nativepath);             var myfile = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.file();             var file = myfile.resolvepath(event.files[0].nativepath);             var filestream = new air.filestream();   ,;             this.products = filestream.readmultibyte(filestream.bytesavailable, air.file.systemcharset);             filestream.close();             air.trace(products);             $('#pro').reload();         }     } }; 

you using controller as (ng-controller="productslistctrl store") syntax, have assign variables controller (this) instead of $scope:

var vm = this;  vm.products = ezpf.application.getproducts();      vm.reload = function()         {                vm.products = ezpf.application.getproducts();            }; 

to reload data:

<div class="page" id="pro" ng-controller="productslistctrl store">     <div ng-repeat="product in store.products.products">                              {{product.title}}     </div>     <!-- button reloading data -->     <button ng-click="store.reload()">reload data</button> </div> 



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