ios - Alamofire "installation" not working (red text in Embedded Binaries) -

i trying add alamofire xcode v6.3.2 project it's not working me. followed steps in readme github repo when select framework add "embedded binary" shows red text , not available me in code.

enter image description here

does know why might be? tried add brand-new, blank project same results.

i'd advise use cocoapods. here how that:

first brew. open terminal , paste in there:

ruby -e "$(curl -fssl" 

then cocoapods. run command in same terminal:

sudo gem install cocoapods 

after you've done navigate xcode project in terminal (be sure replace yourprojecthere project's name):

cd ~/documents/xcodeworkspace/yourprojecthere  

in folder run command:

pod init 

after running pod init file have been created called: podfile. edit file typing:

vi podfile 

at first file contain:

# uncomment line define global platform project # platform :ios, '6.0'  target 'yourproject'   end  target 'yourprojecttests'  end 

edit contain this:

# uncomment line define global platform project platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks!   target 'yourproject'      pod 'alamofire', '~> 1.2'  end  target 'yourprojecttests'  end 

now exit out of xcode , run command in terminal:

pod install 

last not least! type following command:

open yourprojecthere.xcworkspace 

everything should , running! make sure include following in class you'd use alamofire framework:

import alamofire


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