javascript - Using Jquery Raty in Rails 4 and showing average of star rating -
i have rails app in using jquery raty plugin have included raty in gemfile
gem 'jquery-raty-rails', github: 'bmc/jquery-raty-rails'
and in application.js have included
//= require jquery.raty //= require jquery.raty.min
and have included in javascript
$('#star-log').raty({ target : '#hint-log', targettype : 'score', targetkeep : true }); $('#star-comm').raty({ target : '#hint-comm', targettype : 'score', targetkeep : true }); $('#star-tech').raty({ target : '#hint-tech', targettype : 'score', targetkeep : true }); $('#star-overall').raty({ target : '#hint-overall', targettype : 'score', targetkeep : true, readonly : true });
the view stars rating given as
<div class="row"> <div class=" col s12 m6 logical"> <label>logical & analytical skills</label> <div id="star-log" > </div> <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-log' %> </div> <div class=" col s12 m6"> <label>communication skills</label> <div id="star-comm" ></div> <%= f.text_field :comm_skill, :id=>'hint-comm' %> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class=" col s12 m6"> <label>technical skills</label> <div id="star-tech" id="star-tech"></div> <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-tech' %> </div> <div class="col s12 m6"> <label >overall rating</label> <div id="star-overall" id="star-read"></div> <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-overall' %> </div> </div>
i have 4 fields star rating given as
- logical & analytical skills
- communication skills
- technical skills
- overall skill
so in first 3 star rate user rate , ratings overall skill(which read only) updated while rating or can overall skill rating average of first 3 skills , automatically being updated , keep showing stars how can ?
add class stars group 3 of star ratings
<div class="row"> <div class=" col s12 m6 logical"> <label>logical & analytical skills</label> <div id="star-log" class="stars" > </div> <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-log' %> </div> <div class=" col s12 m6"> <label>communication skills</label> <div id="star-comm" class="stars" ></div> <%= f.text_field :comm_skill, :id=>'hint-comm' %> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class=" col s12 m6"> <label>technical skills</label> <div id="star-tech" class="stars"></div> <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-tech' %> </div> <div class="col s12 m6"> <label >overall rating</label> <div id="star-overall"></div> <%= f.text_field :log_skill, :id=>'hint-overall' %> </div> </div>
removed double id given last star ratings (star tech , overvall)
$('#star-log').raty({ target : '#hint-log', targettype : 'score', targetkeep : true }); $('#star-comm').raty({ target : '#hint-comm', targettype : 'score', targetkeep : true }); $('#star-tech').raty({ target : '#hint-tech', targettype : 'score', targetkeep : true }); $('#star-overall').raty({ target : '#hint-overall', targettype : 'score', targetkeep : true, readonly : true }); $(document).on("click", ".stars", function(){ var score = 0 ; //loop through stars score $('.stars').each(function(i, obj) { //if score there undefined if star not selected if ($(obj).raty('score')) score += $(obj).raty('score'); }); //calculating average score = score / $(".stars").length; $('#star-overall').raty({score: score }); $("#hint-overall").val(score.tofixed(2)); });
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