Webpack bundle-loader trying to load non-existent file -

i'm trying use webpack's bundle-loader asynchronously load pikaday datepicker component (i want load pikaday on pages use it). seems i've managed build working correctly -- additional js file generated includes pikaday, , base bundle not -- code bundle-loader generates request new file looks incorrect url.

the relevant code looks this:

my datepicker component imports pikaday bundle-loader: import pikadayloader 'bundle!pikaday';. uses so

pikadayloader(pikaday => {   this.picker = new pikaday({     field: react.finddomnode(this.refs.dummyinput)   }); }); 

my webpack config has output looks this:

output: {   path: path.join(__dirname, '../sandbox', 'dist'),   filename: 'app.js' }, 

so js files being built dist directory within sandbox project. page uses scripts sandbox/index.html.

when build code, pikaday bundle indeed generated @ sandbox/dist/2.app.js. but webpack-generated loader looks @ sandbox/2.app.js -- without dist -- , therefore doesn't find it. code doesn't work.

can webpack experts me out here?

(because of history webpack, i'm guessing confusion related unclear documentation, rather bug -- if think bug, let me know , file issue.)

--- more ---

looks same thing happening if try use pete hunt's method (require.ensure(..)) describe here instead of bundle-loader. again, there request being made /2.app.js instead of intended /dist/2.app.js.

so seems problem how tell loaders in dist/.

publicpath need.

output: {     path: path.join(__dirname, '../sandbox', 'dist'),     publicpath: '/dist', // absolute path index.html     ... } 


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