procedures - MYSQL return a single row query with a format -

i got procedure :

delimiter $$ create procedure `countrows`(in v varchar(30)) begin    set @t1 =concat("select count(*)  ",v);    prepare stmt3 @t1;    execute stmt3;    deallocate prepare stmt3; end$$ delimiter ; 

and want return query in format : "the table x contains y rows" tried use concat function don't work me.

some tips? thanks

i able make work using subquery. couldn't find way concat , count search @ same time, wrapping count subquery , using value in select clause able return expected results. try this:

select concat("the table contains ", tmp.numrows, " rows.") from(   select count(*) numrows   mytable) tmp; 

here sql fiddle example of query itself, not prepared statement.


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